About us - Mission: Empower Humans with AI

In December 2022, as we saw the debut of ChatGPT, AI PWRD was also created to meet the new demand of businesses looking for practical application of AI and automation. At the heart of our journey is a simple yet powerful vision: to connect people with transformative AI tools, turning routine tasks obsolete and creating space for innovation, human interaction, and accelerated productivity.

        | Languages     | AI Models                 |
        |-------------- |---------------------------|
        | Python        | gpt-4                     |
        | NextJS        | gpt-3.5-turbo             |
        | NodeJS        | DALL-E                    |
        | React         | Whisper                   |
        | TailwindCSS   | text-embedding-ada-002    |
        | TypeScript    | PaLM 2                    |
        | SQL           | llama-v2-chat             |
        | HTML          | Claude                    |
        | CSS           | Google Bard               |
        | JavaScript    | Cohere                    |
        |               | AssemblyAI                |

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Learn more about our work and our thoughts on generative AI trends and applications in our blog.

Safe & Secure AI Database Access

This article explores AI API safety and practical strategies for managing database privacy

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What is Prompt Engineering?

Prompt Engineering is the process of writing and refining AI prompts, model settings, and inputs in order to achieve the desired response from the AI model. It’s not only writing the text of AI prompts, but creating a formula in the preferred coding language (Python, Node.js, SQL, etc.) for static and variable inputs that can be applied on a large database of inputs and generate consistent and desired results

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  • Location
    192 Spadina Ave
    Toronto, ON M5T 2C2
  • Timezone