Imagine your product AI-powered

We help you discover, build, and deliver practical AI innovations to sprint ahead of the competition and drive business growth.

Our solutions stack to empower your product

  • OpenAI
  • Hugging Face
  • Cohere
  • Pinecone
  • Anthropic
  • MongoDB
  • Replicate
  • Assembly
  • Azure
  • Amazon
  • Google AI

AI is already helping businesses and organizations succeed

We helped multiple businesses and organizations integrate AI into their products and services resulting in increased revenue, reduced costs, and improved customer experience.


Case Study

Database AI Integration & Analysis Automation

Advised and supported a database provider in their exploration of safe and secure AI technology, AI model integration, prompt engineering, AI embeddings, and vector search, for several internal and potential client use cases.

Political Campaign

Case Study

AI Integration, Database Enrichment & Outreach

Advised on and integrated AI to support campaign operations, enhanced the quality of the database through AI analysis, and implemented personalized outreach with AI to assist with fundraising and acquire new supporters and volunteers.


Case Study

Marketing & Lead Generation with AI automation

We assisted a marketing company in enhancing their lead generation by utilizing AI-driven personalized LinkedIn messages and email sequences. This substantially improved response rates and increased virtual sales calls.

"We all enjoyed working with Alex from AI PWRD and look forward to future collaborations." - Dan DeMers, CEO & Co-founder


Services - We help you identify, explore and effectively integrate AI.

Our clients not only get a short-term return on their AI investment, but also gain a competitive advantage in their industry.

  • AI Product Engineering. We specialize in creating an MVP of an AI product or feature and iterating to meet your goals.
  • AI Database Integration. Enrich your database with deep AI analysis, summary and intelligence.
  • AI Chatbot. Integrate an AI chatbot with your proprietary data for internal use or as a customer-facing interface.
  • AI Outreach & Lead Generation. Automate lead generation, customer support, personalized email responses and more.
  • AI Embeddings & Vector Search. Automated data vectorization, precise data retrieval, and database optimization.
  • AI Model Fine-tuning. Fine-tune private or open-sourced AI models and privately host for maximum control and security.

Tell us about your project

Our offices

  • Locations
    New York
  • Timezone